Let’s give you the treatment you deserve.

Consultation options


15 minute complementary consultation

It all begins with a phone call. Maybe you are unsure if this is the right step to take. Maybe you have never seen a naturopath before and want to know what I can offer you. Or maybe you need to chat to me about something before we start working together. Whatever it is, a complementary consultation is recommended to all new patients.

Of course this is just an option, you can choose.

15 mins |  $0 | Get started


Initial consultation

This is where the magic happens. For 70 minutes we will discuss all aspects of your health using a holistic assessment approach. We will review all of the systems in the body and identify key nurture points that we can work on together.

A diet and lifestyle analysis is included, where you will walk away with an individualised prescription filled with dietary recommendations and lifestyle advice.

Practitioner only supplements and tailored herbal formulas are commonly recommended to further support you.

70 mins |  $160 | Get started


Return consultation

Running for 30 minutes, a return consultation allows us to review your progress and continue working on improving your overall health and quality of life.

It also gives us an opportunity to discuss tests that may have been ordered after the initial consultation.

A return consultation also keeps you accountable and helps you stay on track (because let’s face it, we’re not all perfect!).

30 mins |  $95 | Get started